Participatory Course on Peace and Tolerance (PCPT)
Participatory Course on Peace and Tolerance has been designed to strengthen concepts of non-violence, religious tolerance and respect of diversity including religious diversity in a multi-religious society for a peaceful co-existence, expose the participants to history of Non-violent movements and International Standards for peace and conflicts resolution, promote volunteerism among youth and skill development to promote non-violence, religious tolerance and respect of diversity in the society through peaceful ways and means.
Participatory Course on Peace and Tolerance shall consist of participatory techniques and methods which shall provide an opportunity to learn by doing, to interact and develop networking with people belonging to different faiths and from different parts of the country. It also provides an opportunity to learn different ways and forums to highlight different social issues, helps to practice the values and respect of human beings and provides the opportunity to learn from renowned experts and practitioners.
Centre for Human Rights Education believes and practice Participatory learning approaches and therefore the indoor and outdoor sessions of the course shall be conducted in participatory methodology to enhance the understanding of the participants on the concepts of peace and tolerance to enhance their skills to work effectively.
Participatory Course on Peace and Tolerance has especially been designed for youth and the students of the Social Science Departments (Sociology, Political Science, Gender Studies, International Relations, Mass Communications etc.) and all those working or wish to work for peace and tolerance in the society which may include but not limited to human rights defenders and educators working with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), the officials of different state institutions, media and other civil society groups. Candidates belonging to religious minorities, the women and trans-genders are strongly encouraged to apply.
PCPT consists of two modules and the trainees shall be required to attend both Modules. Those who will complete the training shall called CHRE Alumni and will be awarded with a certificate, however the trainees shall remain involved in the follow-up initiatives consistently to ensure that their learnings are put into practice through an “Individual Plan”, which each trainee is supposed to design and submit at the end of the training.
Specific Objectives
- Prepare a cadre of peace activist to strengthen the civil society efforts for peace and tolerance in the society.
- Strengthen the concepts of non-violence, religions tolerance and respect of diversity for building a peaceful society.
- Expose the participants to history of Non-violent movements and International Standards for peace and conflict resolution.
- Sensitization of the youth and human rights defenders to their role in promoting peace and tolerance.
- Improving the skills on the advocacy campaigns, proposal writing, report writing, research tools and peace building to enhance the ability of the youth, human rights defenders and other categories of the trainees of the course to work effectively for peace and tolerance.
- Building partnerships and networking among the participants and their groups
- Planning to strategize for “putting learnings into practice” through research and advocacy initiatives.
Selection Process
A Selection Committee will review all the applications. Based on the design and objectives of the PCPT, the priority in the selection will be given to Candidates who are young and students of different educational institutions/universities/colleges.
In a limited number of cases, consideration will also be given to candidates from other types of organizations involved in human rights, peace and democratic education, such as government-run human rights institutions, educational institutions, media and other civil society groups (bar associations, labour unions, journalist unions, minority groups, student unions or other professional groups).
The Candidates shall be carefully selected to ensure the maximum benefits from the Participatory Course on Peace and Tolerance.
The Candidates applying for PCPT must be:
- active for at least one year for activities related to human rights, peace and tolerance.
- committed to transferring knowledge and skills gained from the course
- sensitive to the issues which arise when working in a multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-linguistic environment.
- Strong communication skills in national and local language of the candidate(s)
- Strong Commitment to complete all phases of the course, including both in-house modules and implementation of Individual Plan.
In addition to the requirements previously listed, consideration will also be given to ensure gender balance, and where possible, geographic and multi-faith representation. Given the number of applications and limited space available, we may be unable to accept many worthy Candidates and your understanding shall be greatly appreciated in this regard.